Monday, January 31, 2011

Birthday Parties and Haircuts

The weather this weekend has been wonderful and I was so glad to be able to get out of the house. We went for a walk on the Greenway on Friday while Eli rode his bike and then played at the playground for a while. The boys got to go again on Saturday with Daddy while I cleaned house to get ready for Canaan's party. 

We had a great birthday party for Canaan yesterday afternoon. It was a beautiful day (especially for the end of January) and we got to have all the festivities outside (which kept my house amazingly clean!).  The first present he opened was a football, after which every present that he was given he said "bootball?" 

Can you figure out who got a major haircut Saturday night?? 

1 comment:

Heather M. said...

love the construction cake! What did you make your dirt out of?