Saturday, February 4, 2012

Random Thoughts

- Lillianna is getting her other bottom tooth and is drooling like CRAZY! Her shirt was soaking wet yesterday. Might be part of the reason I am up with her right now and it is 2:53 am.

- Canaan turned 3 last week and we had a cowboy birthday (pictures to follow...hopefully) for him last weekend. Thanks to Mr. Dan and Mrs. Shawn for letting us have it at their home...and horseback rides

- I am reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp...wonderful, powerful, convicting.

- 2 people showed our house this week...maybe we will have a buyer before too long.

- Marriages are falling apart all around. It grieves me and makes me conscious of how important it is to WORK at the relationship that many take for granted...and that it is only by God's grace that we can make this work.

- Lillianna is trying to start walking. Took her first step February 1st.

- Kevin has a Math Tournament tomorrow at the Davidson Center...I almost wish I was going ;)

- The HelloMornings Challenge is going pretty well. It is amazing how much better my morning/day goes when I get up for my children and not to them.

- This book is a great read for young mothers. It is even written in very short chapters so that busy, young mothers can read it.

- Lillianna is starting to get whiny now...maybe she will go back to sleep...

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