Thursday, September 30, 2010

The "Kids' Race"

After the recent races that Kevin and I have been in, Eli was really excited to get to run in what he called "The Kids' Race." The Autumn Chase has been going on for 30 years and I used to run in it when I was little. Eli did pretty well, with only a couple of breakdown times in the mile that we ran. Ronald, Eli's cousin, also ran and they had a great time with their t-shirts, Gatorade and ribbons after the race. 
Cousin Buddies

Talk about intense! :)

Almost there!



Chad and Kristy said...

That is awesome! I love the pictures of him running...too cute!

gracie :) said...

Ronald came home that night and said, "I wanna run tomorrow." Every day he is asking about running to church or to Eli's house. Talk about a motivating race! :)